Hey look! A new blog! About making a dress! How thoroughly unique and exciting.
Well, yes, it is, as a matter of fact, because the blog is written by ME, not some other less crazy person with way too much time on their hands and mad sewing skillz. I am a sewing beginner of the very basic type; one who reaches for the hot glue gun and seam ripper as often as the bias tape and interfacing, which should make reading about my exploits much more exciting than the blog of someone who actually knows what they are doing.
So what do you want to hear first, the backstory, or more about how I'm a terrible sewer?
Let's start with the backstory...
I am the first-born child of two hippies, and - wait, too far back. Let's speed it up a little.
So my youngest sister (I have two of 'em) recently got engaged to be married. The wedding will be in early August (note to self: add countdown timer to blog page). My other sister found a perfect dress, and I decided it would be easier (ha ha ha!) to sew my own, since The Bride was pretty laisez faire on the style, design, color, you name it. Also, I like to use brackets a lot to comment on my own thoughts, so I hope that doesn't bother you too much.
Anyhow, so here I am, with $300 in fabric and some loosey-goosey ideas of what I'd like to end up with. Oh, and a full-time job, and I'm also getting ready to move in a few months. So there's that.
Welcome! Make yourself comfortable! It's sure to be an exciting time.